The FILM: SITUKA - Arise (Political | Drama | 63 min)
"Situka" is a captivating Ugandan feature film that revolves around the lives of two lovers, Amanio (Hellen Lukoma) and Muganga (Bobi Wine). Amanio, a determined and politically-driven young woman, becomes an inspiration for Muganga, an adventurous and hardworking individual, to take a stand for justice in their society.
The film delves into various pertinent social issues, encouraging young people to actively participate in their communities instead of solely relying on the government for support. Muganga, who manages a popular bar near the university, grapples with finding his purpose and utilizing his influence effectively. However, everything changes when Amanio's life is endangered, exposing the failures of Uganda's political and social systems in protecting its citizens.
Motivated by his love for Amanio and the plight of his people, Muganga embarks on a courageous fight for justice. "Situka" serves as a thought-provoking exploration of love, activism, and the power of individuals to bring about positive change in society.
Muganga - Robert "Bobi Wine" Kyagulanyi (Divisionz, 2007)
Amanio - Hellen Lukoma (Beloved, TV Series, 2023)
Muwaddada - Michael Wawuyo Sr. (Kony - Order from Above, 2017)
Actor - Simon Base Kalema (My Husband's Wife, 2021)
Kazungu - Raymond Rushabiro (Girl from Mparo, 2019)
Actor - Joel Okuyo Prynce (November Tear, 2019)
Directed: Kwezi Kaganda (#Family, 2015)
Written: John Bosco Kyabaggu, Musa Luswata
Producer: Hannington Bugingo (Popi TV Series, 2023)
Executive Producer: Hannington Bugingo
Production Company: Twisted Films, Fun Factory
Country of Origin: Uganda
Language: English
Date of Release: May 24, 2015
NEWS about this Film:
The film was produced with the support of Twaweza, a youth advocacy NGO, to promote the idea that young people should proactively address the challenges that impact their lives.
WATCH THE TRAILER for 'SITUKA - Arise' (1:10 min):