The FILM: A Dance with the Bride (2021) (Action | Thriller | Short)
Clara - Felicity Mandela (Projection, 2023)
Cliff - Fernando Kamugisha (24 Hours, 2022)
Donald - Edwin Ruyonga
Actor - Mark Nasasira
Director: Josh SB (Projection, 2023)
Writer: Josh SB
Producer: Josephine Zhane
Cinematographer: Josh SB
Sound Design: Josh SB Studios, Andrew Nyombi
Line Producer: Jessica Bako
Makeup: Nodrine Evanche
Executive Producer: Josephine Zhane, Josh SB
Production Company: JoZhane, Josh SB 360 Studios
Country of Origin: Uganda
Language: English
Date of Release: Oct 1, 2021
"It’s one of the few movies that do not offer any reward or punishment to the protagonist and antagonist" – Hussein Kiganda, The Kampala Sun.
NEWS about this Film:
The Director speaking to the Kampala Sun said “It was my first action film and this was a challenge. We also had to keep going back to the editing desk at least three times over before agreeing on a final cut,” said Josh.
WATCH THE TRAILER for 'A Dance with the Bride' (1:40 min):
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