The FILM: Mizigo Express (2018) (Television | Comedy )
"Mizigo Express" is a hilarious mini-series that delves into the dynamics between the landlord, Kabogoza, his wife Damalie, and the tenants, with a particular focus on Sam, who becomes Kabogoza's trusty sidekick. This comedy series artfully showcases the contrasting personalities and relationships, highlighting the nuances of stature and the various connections between landlords and tenants.
Akello - Agnes Akite (Girl from Mparo, 2019)
Anna - Ann Kansiime (Girl from Mparo, 2019)
Kalevu's Fiance - Gloria Kebirungi
Actor: Richard Tuwangye
Landlord Kabogoza (KK) - Dickson Zizinga (Popi, 2023)
Sam Mugisha - Hannington Bugingo (Kiwani, 2008)
Opio - Simon Base Kalema (Veronica's Wish, 2018)
Damalie - Nina Katamba (Rain, 2016)
Mulokole - Evelyn Kemizinga (Popi, 2023)
Kalevu - Isaac Kuddzu (The Hostel, 2011)
Brown - Veronica Namanda (Christmas in Kampala, 2010)
Director: Frobisher Lwanga (Mpeke Town, 2018)
Writer: Hannington Bugingo, Nina Katamba, Evelyn Kemizinga, Destinee Mutasa, Veronica Namanda, Raymond Rushabiro, Richard Tuwangye, Dickson Zizinga
Producer: Catherine Bagaaya, Hannington Bugingo, Emma Kakai
Cinematographer: Arnold Taremwa
Editor: Zaed Matovu
Sound: Isima Ssemujju
Camera Operator: Zead Matovu, Raymond Rushabiro (The Blind Date, 2021)
Executive Producer: Fun Factory Uganda
Production Company: Fun Factory Uganda
Country of Origin: Uganda
Language: English, Luganda
Date of Release: Oct 31, 2018
WATCH THE TRAILER for 'Mizigo Express' (0:30 min):