The FILM: Sinza (TV Series 2020) (Animation | Drama | Short | 9 min)
Sinza is a 9-year-old girl from Uganda who is passionate about learning the best health practices to share with her friends. During her holiday visit to her grandparents in rural Uganda, she embarks on an exciting adventure with her granny to discover and learn about foods rich in protein and many nutrients good for the body to grow and stay healthy.
Sinza - Sarah Mbeiza
Jajja Mukyala - Shammy Kisaamo
Jajja Mwami - James Ssentongo
Director: Alex Musisi, Rita Kayeny
Writer: Grace Namitha
Executive Producer: Rita Kayeny
Production Company: Katoon Mentor Media
Country of Origin: Uganda
Language: English
Date of Release: Nov 5, 2020
🏆 Won: Best Animation, Uganda Film Festival Awards, 2022
NEWS about this Film:
Directors' Statement: The Sinza project is an example of what can be archived when animation skills are put to collaborative efforts to birth creative solutions to local community problems like malnutrition and youth unemployment.
WATCH THE TRAILER for 'Sinza' (1:29 min):