The FILM: The Honorablez (Television | Drama | Comedy | 45 min)
"The Honorablez" is an intriguing political satire-drama series that delves into the captivating social lives of political dignitaries, Members of Parliament (MPs), and various government officials. Set in the vibrant night life of Kampala City in Uganda, the show revolves around their interactions and escapades within a local down town bar.
By exploring the behind-the-scenes aspects of their lives, the series sheds
light on themes such as greed, corruption, infidelity, and numerous other
vices that are often hidden from the public eye. Through its engaging
storyline, "The Honorablez" offers viewers a glimpse into a world that
is rarely seen or acknowledged.
Pearle - Doreen Nabbanja (Nambi, 2023)
Serapio - Kalera The Comedian
Dorcus - Stella Nante (Kafa Coh, 2022)
Moesha - Stella Moesha
Hon. Kintu - Ramathan Arinitwe
Nana - Phiona Dollyiantha (Mpeke Town, 2018)
Sophia - Aliyah Nanfuka
Najjuma - Shamim Mayanja
Tomusange - Charles Bwanika
Regina - Daisy Owomugisha
Manager Silayo - Evelyn Silayo
Mr. Sam Mugagga - Sam Lubwama Mugagga
Kweera - Nadryn Evanci
Nantambi - Juliet Nantambi
Sharzy - Sharon Tushabe
Kingsley - Kingsley Obiekwe
Nixon - John Segawa
Actress - Doreen Mirembe (Damalie, 2023)
Actress - Hellen Lukoma (Beloved TV Series 2023)
Actor - Patrick Mujuka (Strength of a Stranger, 2008)
Actor - Philip Luswata (The Kojja TV Series, 2022)
Actress - Diana Nabatanzi (Junior's Drama Club, 2021)
Actress - Diana Kahunde (The Kojja TV Series, 2022)
Actress - Aisha Kyomuhangi
Actor - Simon Base Kalema (My Husband's Wife, 2021)
Actress - Stecia Mayanja
Actress - Candy Mutesi
Actress - Maliaka Nyanzi (Junior's Drama Club, 2021)
Actress - Brenda Nanyonjo
Actor - Bruno Sserunkuma
Director: John Segawa
Writer: John Segawa
Producer: John Segawa
Director of Photography: Fauzia Mulimira
Editor: Baker Mutumba
Sound: Gloria Kuteesa
Theme Song: Lyrical G
Executive Producer: Seanice Franchesca Nagawa, Trevor Albert Tamale, Sean William Kamulegeya
Production Company: Beyond Borderz Production
Country of Origin: Uganda
Language: English
Date of Release: Jan 9, 2017
WATCH THE TRAILER for 'The Honourablez' (0:45 min):