The FILM: Estranged (2024) (Thriller | Drama)
In the immediate aftermath of a tragedy, Yvonne’s life falls apart like a fragile tapestry. Her parents, Kasozi and Sophie are killed in a car accident, leaving her feeling empty and wounded. However, the deepest sorrow comes from the estrangement from her brother, Jacob — a rift created by an explosion that fractured their entire world.
Actress - Mariam Nyamatte
Actor - Jeffroberts Walusimbi
Actor - Zziwa Ddungu (Idi Amin's Boat, 2018)
Actor - Greyc Miguel (The Matron, 2023)
Actor - Jackline Nalumansi (Deep Cut, 2021)
Director: Sharifu Kisambira
Writer: Sharifu Kisambira, Ronald Matovu
Producer: Sharifu Kisambira
Cinematographer: Denis Kakumba (My Love from Another Land, 2024)
Editor: Paul Kimera (Karamoja, 2023)
Sound Designer: Adnan Ssenkumba (My Husband's Wife, 2023)
Executive Producer: Jonathan Nabwiso
Production Company: Mbira Studios, StoneCiti, ReelHouse, SoloFX
Country of Origin: Uganda
Language: English
Date of Release: May 10, 2024
WATCH THE TRAILER for 'Estranged' (1:22 min):