The FILM: Borders (2024) (Drama | Adventure)
Pearl, a free spirited and determined young dancer, leads her group, the African Jewel, as they unexpectedly qualify for a dance competition in Nairobi. This opportunity is pivotal for Pearl, as she sees it as her chance to finally gain recognition. Everything goes wrong when she realizes that without her passport or national ID, she will not be able to cross the border.
Faced with the prospect of missing the competition, Pearl resolves to
find a way to reach the border by any means necessary. In her pursuit, she
encounters David, a youthful Kenyan immigration officer stationed at the
border, who also happens to be an old acquaintance with his own untold story.
As the plot unfolds, Pearl and her troupe find themselves grappling with
the challenge of making their dreams a reality, while David, harboring his own
secrets, pledges to assist them in their aspirations. Despite his own personal
struggles, David is determined to support the troupe, albeit by unconventional
means, as he too seeks solace from his own life.
Pearl - Tania Shakirah Kankindi (All for Love, 2023)
David - Quincy Rapando Mulama
Actor - Johnmary Sekimpi (My Husband's Wife, 2021)
Director: Richard Nondo (November Tear, 2019)
Writer: Daphne Ampire
Producer: Daphne Ampire
Cinematographer: Joel Okuyo Prynce (November Tear, 2019)
Executive Producer: Daphne Ampire
Production Company: Floating Duck Productions
Country of Origin: Uganda
Language: English
Date of Release: January 27, 2024
WATCH THE TRAILER for 'Borders' (0:29 min):