The FILM: Owange Yanzita (2020) (Love | Crime | Drama)
Katabaazi, consumed by his desire for Bridget, gets into a fight with her. But
tragically, during the heated conflict, a terrible accident occurs, resulting
in the unintended death of the girl. Katabaazi then concocts a twisted plan to
save himself by shifting the blame onto his friend Brian.
Actor - Willy Ssemuko
Actress - Saudah Nanziri
Actor - Yasin Kasawuli
Actor - Elias Mutebi
Director: Believer E. Mutebi, Willy Ssemuko
Writer: Willy Ssemuko
Producer: Dan Ssegawa, John Lubinga, Believer E. Mutebi
Executive Producer: Willy Ssemuko, Believer E. Mutebi
Production Company: JetLine Filmz, Bank Filmz
Country of Origin: Uganda
Language: Luganda
Date of Release: Apr 10, 2020
Distributor: Pearlwood, YOTV by MTN
WATCH THE TRAILER for 'Owange Y'anzita' (2:02 min):